Saturday, February 6, 2010

Month 9, Cycle 6, Day 15

Check out that my temps have dropped this morning. I didn't see a "peak" reading on my fertility monitor, but I am pretty sure I am ovulating today... Guess you know what I will be doing :-)

Anyone up for praying that this cycle takes? I don't know how I can handle if I have to go through another 10 days of torture from those pills again. AND...I hear that Clomid has relatively few side effects compared to the other fertility treatments. These last two weeks were filled with:
*4 days of non stop headaches perpetuated by photophobia (light sensitivity)
*extreme fatigue throughout the day and insomnia at night
*random muscular and joint pain
*nervousness and jittery
*severe mood swings (uncontrollable crying one day, then angry and irritable the next, then giddy smiling, then complacent and many of these in the same day)
*lack of energy and unquenchable hunger

Who wants to pray?...
Father, thank you for your gift of medicine, that you can heal through them. Thank you that you richly provide for everyone for their enjoyment. I know I am NOT entitled to anything, even my next breath, so I thank you for your providence and for my continued life. I pray for those who are to be blessed by you in their walks, that they will see that you are indeed the blesser and they the blessed. And in that, they we will be a blessing to others. Help us all to give generously. Of our money, our time, our kindness, our love, and anything you have given to us that we can give to others. I pray that you bless my journey in the way you see fit, and that you allow this blog to be a blessing to those around me.

Father, without you there is nothing. I pray that your kingdom will come on this Earth as it is in heaven. Allow me to be your servant and to do your will. I pray that you will guide every day with clarity and love in all my sisters' and brothers' lives. In Jesus' name, AMEN.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking about you today, Sunshine! I've been praying this is the cycle for you and will continue to do so.
