Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Month 16, Cycle 14, Day 7

Yikes, I am feeling anxious about giving the shot today! But I will do it!!!!


  1. Good luck let me know how it goes. I don't mind shots per say. But I'm anxious about the thought of giving myself one. I've been trying to prepare myself since July. I'm still working on it. Luckily I have a little more time to get used to it. Thinking of you today and continuing to pray for you.

  2. Jodi, when does your hybrid cycle start? Have you had your period yet?

  3. Had a crazy cycle last month. Used OPKs which I had positives for two days in a row so I assumed I ovulated (I stopped temping cause I'm a terrible sleeper and wake up a lot throughout the night every couple hrs and wasn't getting accurate temps). So needless to say I must have geared up to ovulate and then didn't cause after 3 negative tests and lots of hopes I got my period after 50 days and while we were in MI. So I couldn't start this cycle. I am awaiting ovulation this month now and if it's a no then I will start my hybrid cycle next cycle. We will do 3 cycles then reases not sure where we will go if that doesn't work. Thanks again for sharing your journey with me and for helping me to try and stay positive.

  4. Jodi, the fertility doctors can initiate a period and start a new cycle with prometrium or provera. Call the doctor and tell them what happened and that you don't want to wait for 50 more days of a cycle. They will get you on some pills and get you going. I started Prometrium on day 17 and then got my period by day 26. What day are you now?
