Back in October I was tested for this and other things, but my doctor thought it wasn't PCOS because I am not obese and I do not have excessive hair growth and she didn't think my hormones indicated it. But, the fertility specialist calls it variant PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). He thinks that because I had gestational diabetes early on in my last pregnancy, and that I have high cholesterol and some of my numbers he thinks this is what it is. I have to do a sonohisterogram (SHG), or saline infused ultrasound of my uterus on day 7 of my next cycle to see if I have cysts and other structural issues. Then take Femara on days 3-7 because he agreed that I no longer should take Clomid due to the eye issues. Femara is a breast cancer drug and although it is not FDA approved for fertility, it works much like Clomid without all the negative side effects. After taking that I will go in on day 14 and have an ultrasound to see how many follicles I am producing and if they think I need it, he will give me a shot of ovidrel (hcg) to help me ovulate. Then he will be able to tell me when to time intercourse.
My hubby will have to give a sample soon to check him out. Doctor said as he was walking out the door, "I am confident that you will be pregnant soon! and you have an advantage because you are young. I usually see people when they are in their 40s and then it is much more difficult."
So -- infertility. PCOS.
Father, thank you for providing me with such a knowledgeable doctor to help me. Thank you that you love me. Please be with those who are reading this that they are blessed. In Jesus' name, AMEN!
Sunshine-I do not know if you would consider this good news, but I would like to think it is good news. I am glad you have a doctor that wants to test for something that might not be "obvious". Hopefully that means you will have a true answer soon and that means you will soon have a glaring BFP! I am glad to hear you have a supportive doctor also :)
ReplyDeleteGood news is I don't have to temp, take cervical reads or fertility monitor!!! I probably still will, but it is not necessary. I am confident in this as well!
ReplyDeleteThat is good news! Temping is a pain in the butt. I am just going to continue to pray for you Sunshine. I hope that this cycle will be your bfp, then you will not even have to take meds :) Hopefully God will look at you and say "It is truly time!" I will be praying lots and lots! See you Monday, and Happy Mother's Day to you!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI always feel much better when I have an answer, whether it is a good or bad answer. At least I know. So know you have an answer. Much easier to treat and develop a plan now! I am so glad that you have a doctor that was able to figure this out, and who will help you have a child! Praise God!!
ReplyDeleteDay 14...nothing showing on the monitor. My temps are all over the place. I don't think I will ovulate this month on my own. I will wait until day 17 and if I haven't shown any other signs of ovulation, I will take prometrium until I get my period and start the next cycle on Femara. The off to the reproductive endocrinology clinic for tests and procedures and meds. Keep praying for me. Today is mother's day and I am hoping this is the last one that I celebrate without a baby in my arms.
ReplyDeleteI just came here to tell you Happy Mother's Day Sunshine!!!!! I am still praying for you. It would be nice if you did ovulate on your own as a surprise :) Tons of prayers and hugs your way.
ReplyDeleteI am visitng your blog via Mandy ThompsoIn's blog. I just want to encourage you. Our ifertility issues seem a little similar. While I have not lost I child and cannot even imagine how that must feel, I did PCOS, endometrosis, etc. Though all those things though, God blessed me with three healthy children, 6,3, and 4 months. God gifted my doctor with the knowledge and skill to best know how to take care of my body. For me, I needed a laporoscopy, femara, and several IUIs. I pray that your current journey comes to an end and the a new one begins soon.