Saturday, September 12, 2009

still testing

CD 19, test day 11. Yep, I had to buy some more testing sticks because I haven't shown any rise in estrogen or luteinizing hormone (LH) on the fertility monitor, yet.

There can be a low, high, or peak fertility reading on the monitor. High indicates that estrogen is rising, peak indicates LH is rising. High usually lasts 1-5 days before the peak day comes which is the day before or of ovulation. There can sometimes be 2 peak days in a cycle, according to the manual. Anyway, I have had 11 consecutive days of low fertility readings. I wonder if I will ovulate at all and if I will have to have another treatment with progesterone to bring about a period again. It's frustrating. Oh well, nine more days of testing. I wonder if I will have another 10 days if I don't have any changes in this 10 day period???


Father, thanks for all you are. You are worth it. In Jesus' name, Amen

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